Polls: Americans side with creationism in evolution debate

Polls show Americans consistently side with creationism in evolution debate.

Gallup polls on creationism, intelligent design, and evolution

Yesterday, Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ debated Creation Museum’s Ken Ham over evolution and creationism. Polls show that Americans — particularly evangelicals — are more likely to side with Ham than the ‘Science Guy’ on the question of the origin of the universe and humanity.

Gallup polls on creationism, intelligent design, and evolution

Gallup polls on creationism, intelligent design, and evolution

Gallup has been asking Americans about evolution for the past three decades.  Just under half of Americans believe that God created humans about 10,000 years ago. Another third believe in theistic evolution or intelligent design — that God guided evolution to create humanity.  Just 15 percent side with evolution, a natural process that did not include any help from God.

Pew poll on religion and evolution

Pew Research Center poll showing religous breakdown of support for evolution and creationism.

Last year, Pew Research Center found a similar result, with only a third of Americans believing in natural evolution.  Using a slightly different question, Pew found more support for a God-guided evolutionary process.  A third of Americans said they believed humanity has never evolved and another quarter believe in an evolutionary process guided by God.

As RNS has reported, support for evolution increases with education, but the effect of religion is stronger. Pew’s survey found support for creationism was strongest among white evangelical Protestants and black Protestants. Nearly two-thirds of white evangelicals and half of black Protestants believe in creationism.  Of those in these groups who believe in evolution, most see it as directed by God.


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