Hosted by Hatchery LA on November 12-14, 2015 in Redondo Beach, California, Enfolding Spirituality is a three-day event where participants will learn how to transcend and include all stages of our spiritual development. This conversation is designed for existing ministers, spiritual directors, and Christian leaders looking to navigate the rapidly shifting church atmosphere.
“The Christian journey is an adventure in transformation,” states Tim Burnette, Director of Cultivation at Hatchery LA. “Moving forward into new seasons can often feel a lot more like grieving a loss than gaining by growth. The thing is, once we’ve moved stages, we can’t go back. We can’t unsee what we’ve seen. And yet, we usually feel somewhere deep in our bones that where we are now is exactly where we’re supposed to be.”
Over the course of the event, the worlds of Integral Theory and the evolutionary human development model of Spiral Dynamics will be utilized to address such questions as:
- How can we learn to embrace the stage of development that we’re in, and transcend and include all of the prior stages of our journey?
- How can we cultivate the gift of being present and aware in this moment, and then give that gift to others…especially those who might not be located in the same place that we are now?
- How can ministers and Christian leaders practice a mature and healthy spirituality for the 21st century, one that loves and blesses those who are different than us?
With a list of speakers that includes Rob Bell, Don Beck, Leslie Hershberger, Teresa Pasquale, Barry Taylor, Tripp Fuller, Max Johnson, Don King, and many more, Enfolding Spirituality is focused on equipping followers of Jesus to live out a holistically healthy Christian spirituality for our contemporary day.
“The spiritual life is often a progression of both unfolding and enfolding events,” says Spencer Burke, Executive Director of Hatchery LA. “As much as we continue to journey forward, the process often has a dynamic of enfolding, or circling back upon itself. Seasons come and go, and no matter where we find ourselves, Spiral Dynamics plays a crucial role in helping us make sense of our world, identity, and especially our call within it.”
For more information and to register for the event, visit www.EnfoldingSpirituality.com.
Situated in Redondo Beach, California, Hatchery LA is a residential church planting incubator focused on launching innovative, sustainable forms of church called “Common Cause Communities.” For more information, visit www.HatcheryLA.com.