HALIFAX, N.S. — Lion’s Roar Foundation, publishers of the Shambhala Sun magazine, the largest-circulation Buddhist magazine in the English language, today announced that the magazine has changed its name to Lion’s Roar.
The new name is a reference recognizable by Buddhists of all traditions, and expresses the Foundation’s long-standing mission to provide the broadest possible access to genuine Buddhist teachings, news from the Buddhist world, personal accounts of life on the Buddhist path, and analysis of how Buddhist wisdom can address our world’s urgent problems.
“The ‘lion’s roar’ was the Buddha’s own metaphor for the proclamation of the dharma — the Buddhist teachings,” says publisher Ben Moore. “It reflects our aspiration to be a strong voice for Buddhism in our society. As Buddhism in the West has grown, matured, and diversified, we have too. It is important that our name reflect that breadth.”
Lion’s Roar is the third name for this magazine, with each change reflecting an expansion of both mission and audience. What started as the Vajradhatu Sun, the community publication of the late Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, next became the Shambhala Sun. Over the twenty-five years of its existence, the magazine emerged as the leading voice of Buddhism in the West, winning awards for its quality and beauty, and becoming the top newsstand magazine in the spirituality category. Now, as Lion’s Roar, it offers an even greater diversity of voices through new channels.
The premiere issue of Lion’s Roar features 14 fascinating Buddhist teachers on its three-panel cover. The 14 teachers are asked: What is the most important truth to proclaim in today’s troubled world? Other content in this issue includes:
Free As A Bird In The Sky
From best-selling author and leading Buddhist teacher to begging on the streets of India—Mingyur Rinpoche’s exclusive first account of his four years as a wandering yogi.
Put Your Compassion Into Action
Philosopher Peter Singer and philanthropist Julia Wise talk with Buddhist monk and author Matthieu Ricard about the innumerable benefits of altruism—for ourselves, our loved ones, and all beings.
How Sharon Salzberg Found Real Happiness
Facing her suffering head-on has made Sharon Salzberg one of today’s most relatable Buddhist teachers. Lindsay Kyte talks to Salzberg about her difficult life’s journey, establishing loving-kindness as a key practice in American Buddhism, and how we can all find real happiness.
Lion’s Roar Foundation
Lion’s Roar Foundation is a non-profit independent media organization which publishes the bimonthly Lion’s Roar magazine (formerly the Shambhala Sun) and Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly in print and digital editions, and on the web at www.LionsRoar.com. For more information please visit our website: www.lionsroar.com