Near-death experiences are real: but only for survivors!

Down through time, our ancestors seem to have sensed hidden truths as they buried their loved ones. They sustained a hope that has forever dwelt in the mind of man. At its heart, our forefathers instinctively believed in a Supreme Power. But you may be surprised how long ago mankind acknowledged that unseen forces exist—and […]

Down through time, our ancestors seem to have sensed hidden truths as they buried their loved ones. They sustained a hope that has forever dwelt in the mind of man. At its heart, our forefathers instinctively believed in a Supreme Power. But you may be surprised how long ago mankind acknowledged that unseen forces exist—and they even symbolized their beliefs and fears through some sort of structure and worship.

Now, human religions around the world are confronting various contemporary challenges to their longstanding emphasis on faith. Yet, this has happened in less than half a century, as compared to the many centuries over which multiple human religions developed. Yet, the term “human” reflects how, over that long period, the significance of a Supreme Power seems to have dwindled substantially from what humanity had forever held in awe.

Perhaps the obvious lack of humanly perceptible evidence of a Supreme Power made it more difficult to justify faith among the masses in modern society. So much so that Time magazine’s April 8, 1966 cover asked, “Is God Dead?”

Nevertheless, many people privately do admit disappointment in the results of their personal prayers. Publicly, many people criticize a purportedly loving God for failures to prevent widespread death, destruction, and upheaval from natural calamities.

But the 1980s revived two humanly perceptible attributes of God. Yet, these remain unknown to many people, because they were struck from Christian theology in 553 CE. Nevertheless, two psychoanalysts accidentally discovered that God provides these to every human that ever lives on Earth! These are our God-given souls and soul reincarnation.

Yet, as a result of these two psychoanalysts’ shocking discovery for accessing memories of our soul’s past lives (i.e., incarnations), humans now can learn more about the reality of not only souls and reincarnation, but also God and Heaven. Souls, like God and Heaven, obviously are part of a reality that is indiscernible (i.e., incorporeal) for humans. That “reality” seems to stretch far beyond the current paradigm of scientific materialism. The “spiritual forces” of that expanded reality may even be cosmic and eternal. Naturally, humans probably find this hard to accept … or even imagine!

Furthermore, our souls may also be involved in a perennial enigma for science, medicine, and human religion. Despite the fact that sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of human death around the world, many survivors make claims of unique memories from the time their bodies were lifeless. Yet no emergency care personnel—nor any other bystander—can verify their claims. But might these survivors’ so-called “near-death experiences” be incorporeal (i.e., not consisting of matter or substance), like God, Heaven, and our souls?

That is the purpose of this new book, now available from Amazon.



William Pillow
[email protected]

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