RNS Opening Budget — Thursday, February 27, 2020

As parts of Northern Italy are under curfew and quarantined amid growing coronavirus concerns, Catholic priests in the region look for new and creative ways to administer Mass in the days leading up to Lent. Fears of virus have led priests to […]

RNS-Coronovirus-Lent: Coronavirus outbreak in Italy challenges Lenten celebrations
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — As parts of Northern Italy are under curfew and quarantined amid growing coronavirus concerns, Catholic priests in the region look for new and creative ways to administer Mass in the days leading up to Lent. Fears of virus have led priests to look for new ways to say Mass, through streaming and personal visits, to ensure that faithful have the opportunity to receive ashes, an essential element of the celebrations preceding the forty days of lent before Easter. By Claire Giangravé. 784 words. (category: i)

RNS-Singh-Oped: Why I joined Elizabeth Warren’s interfaith advisory council
(RNS) — When I saw the Christocentric makeup of the candidate’s interfaith advisory group, my first impulse was to flame her online. Instead, I reached out to inquire why her limited roster clashed with what I knew about Warren. This month, I joined the council myself. By Simran Jeet Singh. 912 words. (category: k)