RNS Opening Budget — Thursday, August 6, 2020

Five months into COVID-19, some clergy are losing patience with pandemic restrictions. They’re citing First Amendment and biblical text as reasons to continue meeting despite government restrictions in place as the virus surges across […]

RNS-Religious-Freedom: ‘We’re not a theocracy.’ Constitutional law experts disagree with pastors citing Bible to break COVID-19 rules
(RNS) — Five months into COVID-19, some clergy are losing patience with pandemic restrictions. They’re citing First Amendment and biblical text as reasons to continue meeting despite government restrictions in place as the virus surges across the United States. Constitutional law experts say the government can ban practices impacting religion through laws that don’t specifically target religion. It also has the authority to do so during a public health emergency like the global COVID-19 pandemic. By Alejandra Molina. 1,560 words. (category: a)

RNS-Salkin-Oped: Seth Rogen’s arguments about Israel actually have a long history
(RNS) — Classical Reform Judaism was non-Zionist for some of the same reasons Rogen raises: Jews must be a “light to the nations”; how can you achieve that goal if you are all in one corner of the Middle East? By Jeffrey Salkin. 1,050 words. (category: k)