UniteBoston launches 'Love Boston' virtual concert

Seven artists share original songs of justice, faith and resilience to respond to COVID-19 and racial inequities

Boston, MA – On September 12th at 7:00pm, Boston’s top Christian artists are rising up to share original responses to the challenges of a global health crisis and racial injustices in a virtual concert event. In this “LoveBoston Virtual Concert,” artists of diverse backgrounds are performing original songs of justice, faith, and resilience that inspire audiences to “love thy neighbor” during times of great adversity.

Local performing artists include: Shanell Alyssa, Ada Betsabe, Jen Aldana, Caleb McCoy, Jeany Alcantara, and Jalen Williams, featuring music from hip-hop, worship, soul, and gospel genres. “We wanted to bring forth a unique response to the current world events, and that uniqueness lies in what each artist brings to the table,” said singer Shanell Alyssa. “From varied demographics, backgrounds, and musical styles, we wanted to share a response that would speak to the hearts of people in all their diversity.” During the concert, Lori Dupre will also create a painting where the artists place their handprints over words like global pandemic, economic stress, and fear, replaced by words of healing and hope and a cityscape of Boston.

This concert is the culminating event of a broader “Love Thy Neighbor” summer campaign coordinated by UniteBoston, a local nonprofit dedicated to bridging the historic divides among Christians from various denominations, races and generations and making “Love Thy Neighbor” a lifestyle. This concert builds on their previous annual summer concerts in the Boston Common, which have been attended by over 2,000 people. In May, UniteBoston launched a COVID-19 Grocery Delivery program which has connected 90 volunteers from 31 churches to 216 COVID-19 positive households to provide groceries. In June, UniteBoston hosted a large gathering in the Boston Common for racial justice. “Amidst all that is happening in our world today, we see many people responding by disparaging others with different viewpoints and backgrounds,” said Kelly Fasset, Executive Director of UniteBoston. “Rather than mimicking these divisive approaches, we feel called to look outward in love and care for one another, especially to those who are vulnerable or oppressed. I am convinced that there is no better time to ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ than today.”

This year’s concert will be streaming LIVE on UniteBoston’s Facebook Page. To get access to this free streaming concert and neighborhood-based viewing parties, visit




Kelly Fassett
[email protected]
(928) 600-3236

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Religion News Service or Religion News Foundation.

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