Cathy Lynn Grossman: Faith and Reason

Why the Dennis Hastert scandal has a familiar ring

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — May 30, 2015
Do you hear a familiar bell ring as scandal now envelops former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert? Something about secrets and sex -- and disbelief? Ding! Ding! Ding! Catholic scandal 2002, anyone?

‘All comers’ idea for campus leadership is not always welcome: Survey

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — May 5, 2015
LifeWay Research finds most Americans do not favor requiring college religious groups to let anyone -- regardless of religion or LGBT status -- be leaders.

Supreme Court gay marriage cases trigger prayer-a-palooza

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — April 26, 2015
At rallies for or against same-sex marriage rights this weekend, they all prayed "God's will be done" -- right?

Our views on gay marriage, abortion, religion tilt toward our friends

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — April 20, 2015
Hear that theme song from "Friends"? Surveys show we're 'there' for people we know and like -- but not so much for strangers.

Kara Tippetts, a Christian voice against assisted dying, has died

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — March 22, 2015
She tried to convince Brittany Maynard not to take her own life. Unlike Maynard, she found a rich vein of spiritual meaning in living -- and dying -- on God's time.

Ditch the country music cliche: God’s not our first influence

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — March 19, 2015
Could you still be a Nashville star singing Family, America, God? New research finds that's the order most people give for the forces that influence their self-identity.

God knows, evangelicals are more science-friendly than you think

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — March 15, 2015
Newly released data highlights common views -- and common goals to help society -- between scientists and Bible-centered Christian evangelicals.

Online atlas ‘heat maps’ U.S. views on hot social issues

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — February 25, 2015
What do folks think about immigration, abortion or same-sex marriage state by state? Now, you can map it.

Reddit charity vote can stir pro- and anti-gay passions

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — February 20, 2015
We can all vote for the 10 non-profits to share in $820 million from Reddit ad profits -- and to boost our own views on gay rights.

Kara Tippetts and Brittany Maynard: Does suffering open a spiritual door?

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — January 2, 2015
Brittany Maynard was the poster face of the right-to-die view. Kara Tippetts, now dying of cancer, rallies those who say that's a sad and sinful road.

Jeopardy religion: Name a ‘small, historically prominent American Protestant denomination’

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — December 31, 2014
Answer: What is the Episcopal Church? And why do we need to put it in cultural context, like a rare bird?

Which Christians speak for all? Hint: Not necessarily evangelicals

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — December 16, 2014
Watch out for defenders of the faith -- who may in fact speak for few Christians -- when you see attacks on films such as "Exodus" or "Unbroken."

Guilt is good? Oy! #NowTheyTellMe

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — November 5, 2014
Studies show no one religion has a corner on guilt. (But you should still call your mother more.)

Brittany Maynard’s death: Does suffering have spiritual meaning?

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — November 3, 2014
Her choice to die may reinforce to many -- particularly religiously-disengaged millennials -- that spiritual meaning, like suffering, is up to you.

Embattled evangelicals: ‘War on Religion’ is aimed at us

By Cathy Lynn Grossman — September 23, 2014
They're losing market share in the culture, watching the unreligious rival their numbers and worried about religious freedom, new surveys find.
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