Search Results for: Mette Harrison

How to be Mormon, in just 73 easy steps!

By Jana Riess — July 30, 2019

Being Mormon can sometimes feel overwhelming, but Mette Harrison has boiled it down into 73 simple steps. (First rule: stop saying “Mormon.”)

Mormonism is pro-environment

By Jana Riess — June 7, 2019

Mormon theology demands that we take care of the earth–and guest blogger Mette Harrison says the “make it do or do without” values of her LDS childhood helped her learn to do that.

This Mother’s Day, give Mormon women the gift of Heavenly Mother

By Jana Riess — May 10, 2019

“Experiences with Heavenly Mother in prayer and in poetry are an important part of me accepting and gradually coming to love myself,” says guest blogger Mette Harrison.

The New Mormon Primary manuals were not designed with real children in mind

By Jana Riess — January 5, 2019

This weekend, Mormons around the world will start using the church’s new curriculum. Primary teacher Mette Harrison says the lessons are going to be way over children’s heads.

10 ways to imagine a New Mormonism

By Jana Riess — October 15, 2018

From dismantling patriarchy to having more potlucks, guest blogger Mette Harrison suggests 10 ways toward a kinder, gentler Mormonism.

Being excluded from a Mormon temple wedding

By Jana Riess — June 22, 2018

Mette Harrison just sat out a Mormon temple wedding for the first time in her adult life, remaining outside while the rest of her family celebrated a sealing ceremony within. Why does the LDS Church exclude so many loved ones from a couple’s big day?

Why this Mormon girl wanted to be a Mormon boy

By Jana Riess — April 17, 2018

At age nine, Mette Harrison made a conscious decision to masquerade as a boy as much as possible, mainly at school, because she hated being a girl. Specifically, she hated being a girl in the Mormon world.

When your child resigns from Mormonism

By Jana Riess — February 27, 2018

Mette Harrison’s daughter stopped being active in Mormonism years ago, and Mette was at peace with that. So why did it hurt when her daughter decided to formally remove her name from the membership rolls?

I have autism … and I’m a Mormon

By Jana Riess — January 23, 2018

(RNS) — In some ways, being Mormon is an advantage when coping with autism, and in other ways, Mormonism makes it harder, writes guest columnist Mette Harrison.

Creating a new Mormon family after a faith transition

By Jana Riess — December 19, 2017

Christmas with family can be hard when you’re a Mormon experiencing a faith transition. Guest blogger Mette Harrison says the death of her old beliefs led to new life in the form of a new “family” of close friends who’ve been there.

The best Mormon Family Home Evening ever

By Jana Riess — November 3, 2017

Mette Harrison’s (mostly) Mormon family doesn’t always have the most orthodox or predictable Family Home Evenings. But they’re always interesting.

‘Mormon Families Are Forever’ shouldn’t be a threat

By Jana Riess — October 12, 2017

Guest blogger Mette Harrison offers 4 ways the idea of eternal families may not be good news for everyone — especially when it’s used as a tool to bludgeon the non-believing.

An open letter to my Mormon family and friends

By Jana Riess — August 10, 2017

Guest blogger Mette Harrison offers suggestions for orthodox Mormons on how to better get along with family members who have left the Church. Some rules: Honor boundaries, stop judging, and plan family events that don’t revolve around church.

Mormon bishops’ interview policy opens the door for sexual abuse

By Jana Riess — July 20, 2017

The LDS Church should revamp its system of allowing bishops to be alone with teenagers — especially when it comes to asking questions about their sexual activity, says guest blogger Mette Harrison.

10 reasons Mormons dominate multi-level marketing companies

By Jana Riess — June 20, 2017

Utah leads the nation in multi-level marketing companies per capita, and many Mormons are heavily involved in MLM culture. Guest blogger Mette Harrison explores 10 reasons why.

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