
Pope sends rare condolence after Malta journalist is slain

By guest — October 21, 2017
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Rarely does the death of a private citizen elicit a formal letter of condolence signed by the Vatican secretary of state in the pope's name.

Shimon Peres’ death moves religious leaders

By Lauren Markoe — September 28, 2016
(RNS) Jewish, Christian and other religious leaders react to the death of the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Grief without God is a challenge for nonbelievers

By Tracy Gordon — February 17, 2012

(RNS) If you're an atheist who loses a child or loved one, there's no hope of a reunion in the afterlife. The absence of the comfort of religious ritual is one of the hardest adjustments for unbelievers, leading some nonbelievers to craft support groups and resources for grief without God. By Kimberly Winston.

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