leaving the LDS church

Even if I’m not a believing Mormon anymore, family will be forever

By Jana Riess — May 1, 2020
"Family is family," says guest blogger Mette Harrison. "And even if I’m not a believing Mormon anymore, family will be forever."

Every Mormon leader (and teacher, and parent) should read this book

By Jana Riess — August 9, 2019
Many of the Faith Crisis respondents are people who served in the LDS Church, had a strong testimony, and held callings, and *then* left, often with spouses and children in tow. What happened?

4 myths about ex-Mormons

By Jana Riess — February 12, 2019
Most didn't leave because they got offended, became atheists, or wanted to join another religion. Also, the vast majority of former Mormons say they're happy after leaving.

When your child resigns from Mormonism

By Jana Riess — February 27, 2018
Mette Harrison's daughter stopped being active in Mormonism years ago, and Mette was at peace with that. So why did it hurt when her daughter decided to formally remove her name from the membership rolls?

Not an active Mormon or an ex-Mormon, but something in between

By Jana Riess — August 30, 2016
NPR's story about the rise of the cultural Mormon points to the large, uncharted middle territory that exists between active belief and disaffiliation.

Mormonism: A country club with a strict dress code

By Jana Riess — August 27, 2016
Guest blogger Mette Harrison says Mormons spend too much time talking about appropriate dress, particularly for young women. All this attention to clothing makes church feel more like an exclusive country club than a faith dedicated to Christ's example.

Mormons aren’t alone in feeling devastated when people leave

By Jana Riess — July 26, 2016
Guest blogger Jon Ogden says breaking from tradition is the world's second-oldest tradition . . . but when loved ones leave Mormonism, it can be painful for those left behind. His new book offers hope for restoring those strained relationships.

Who is leaving the LDS Church?

By Jana Riess — July 23, 2016
Singles, young adults, and men (especially those who did not serve a mission) seem to be among the most likely demographics of people who leave the LDS Church. But "The Next Mormons" research can find out a good deal more that we don't yet know.

Gay Mormon rocker no longer singing praises for his faith

By Jana Riess — April 30, 2016
Tyler Glenn's new solo video "Trash" says the Mormon religion is claustrophobic for LGBT people—and since the video ends with the singer's mock death, apparently fatal.

Are Mormons in their 20s and 30s leaving the LDS Church?

By Jana Riess — April 14, 2016
More young adults appear to be leaving the Mormon fold, but the rate of their exodus is less severe than their peers in the Millennial generation.

A “mass exodus” of Mormons? Maybe. But here’s why I’m not among them.

By Jana Riess — November 13, 2015
The LDS Church is not perfect and never has been. The church is flawed individuals. It is us. There is no magical institution outside of ourselves, no foundation that we get the luxury of imagining we do not pour.
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