nonviolent resistance

Protesting for Palestinians is necessary, but stopping the war will take more

By Andre Henry — February 28, 2024
(RNS) — If a movement can’t do more than protest, it’s just begging.

Nonviolence, rebellion and the Palestinian attack

By Andre Henry — October 13, 2023
(RNS) — In the famous words of John F. Kennedy, 'Those who make nonviolent revolutions impossible, make violent revolutions inevitable.'

We told Pope Francis nonviolent action may be needed to stop climate change

By Emily E. Burke and Henry Glynn — March 3, 2022
(RNS) — Our generation is frustrated with U.S. Catholic and civic leaders who do not seem to grasp the gravity of our crisis and are unwilling to enact church teaching.

At Standing Rock, God heard our cries for justice

By Shane Claiborne — December 5, 2016
(RNS) Whatever their religious traditions, the people who stood united in prayer as the news of victory came in Sunday witnessed the power of God, writes Shane Claiborne.

Is nonviolence a solution to all the world’s conflicts? (COMMENTARY)

By A. James Rudin — October 31, 2014
(RNS) There remains a thin line between nonviolence and martyrdom.
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