Feminine Translation Bible seeks baptism through the cross for the Great Commission
Mark 7 Publishing

Synergize 2022 will meet this month and announce a plan to fulfill the Great Commission. To succeed, the plan requires acknowledgment of Jesus’ instruction for baptizing the Great Commission through the Cross with all nations on its foot. Otherwise, the plan will not be worthy of Jesus Mat 10:38.

The HOLY BIBLE Feminine Translation Version
Published by Mark 7 Publishing, 2021, JW Farquhar  ©, ISBN 978-0-9796263-4-0
Paperback 6 x 9 x 2.
Digital pub 2020 in PDF also available to buy at

This Bible version is a result of interpreting and translating the Bible through the Discipline of the Cross, which begins with the first verse in the Bible. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. It is an authoritative foundation cross that shows the Creator God plus three realms: time, spiritual and physical. Scripture organized through the lens of this Foundation Cross is made visible in the image of the cross.  In contrast, traditional Bible interpretation is generally made with a choice of one, or mix, of four speculative methods: literal, allegorical, moral, or mystical.

The FTV Bible is classified as a study Bible that reveals a timeless phenomenon for deciphering Bible text. It teaches one how to see and visually perceive Scripture through the Cross, which this FTV Bible requires 1,410 times with the word behold. The added human resource of sight generates a new and more complete understanding of Scripture with some unique results—the feminine side of God, and the consistency of salvation through the Cross.

This previously hidden phenomenon is timeless because it has consistently structured Scripture that spans a time period of 6000 years of human history using 40 different human authors. Called Jesus’ Witness Cipher-77, or simply JW’s Cipher, it is a 77-page decipherment through the Old and New Testaments that reveals testament harmony. Validated with the discipline of biblical numbers, this cipher bears undeniable evidence of a single timeless divine author of the Bible.

Jesus’ Witness Cipher-77 illustrates how the Cross is the consistent destination of Seven Spirits of God that answer seven questions in divine order. These 77 ciphers establish the Discipline of the Cross, which is not a theory, nor theology. Therefore, the remaining detailed description of this FTV Bible is organized in cipher format using these seven divine ordered questions: WHO, WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHICH way.

WHO is God’s Family in Both Heaven and Earth? (Eph 3:9, 3:14-3:18)

To make all men see what is the dispensation of the mystery which for ages hath been hid in God who created all things; The Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named what is the breadth and length and height and depth of the Fullness of God Cross follows:

Father Almighty is a literal translation of the Hebrew word “יהוה” pronounced Yahweh. In Greek these letters of God are called the Tetragrammaton that means “consisting of four letters.”  On the Cross, they are four Hebrew letters, Yod, Hey, Waw and Hey, consistently rendered YHWH 6,876 times in this FTV Bible (Cipher#10,11).

Mother in heaven is translated using the Discipline of the Cross that bears witness to a Most High Holy Spirit of Light at the top of the cross. She is translated in this FTV Bible to be the woman of wisdom with righteous knowledge in proverbs 8, who was with YHWH in the beginning creation, and who is the Heavenly Spiritual Mother of the Son of God, and Mother of the children of the Light (Cipher#12).

Son on the right side of the Father’s cross (looking at you) brings the 4-step salvation that he embodied and taught us through the Cross: I amthe waythe truthand (the 4th step result)… the life (Cipher#48). Jesus then showed us: day1—day2—day3 in the grave before the 4th step result—He arose. Jesus demonstrated the simplicity of salvation through the Living Cross of God: 1-2-3 (body, soul, spirit) rise up on the Cross before the 4th step result—eternal life.

Daughter in earth is translated literally from Genesis 3:20. This mother’s name was called when the man called his wife’s name Eve because she was the mother of all living humans on earth. Thus, the complete Living Cross of God begins with living humans on its foot. She is translated in the physical creation to be from the evening, introduced six times in the spiritual Creation. All living humans are translated to be children of our Father God through His daughter on earth from whom we are all natural descendants on the foot of the Living Cross of God. Confirmation that YHWH God includes living humans on earth comes from Jeremiah 32:27 through the cross: Behold, I am YHWH, the God of all flesh (Cipher#27).

WHY Was the FTV Bible Authored and Published? Seven reasons

First, the end of biblical misogyny is overdue, evidenced by a massive decline of church attendance.  Second, traditional biblical denial of the Holy Spirit’s heavenly motherhood of the Son of God could be seen as blasphemy by Jesus, who twice proclaimed in Aramaic, wherein the Spirit of God is feminine, that whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him (Mat 12:31, 32).  Another reason is the book, “Doctrine of the Cross,” (Video) requires an accurate Bible. Fourth, Israel’s search for divine signs of their Messiah is now visible in the Old Testament part of Jesus’ Witness Cipher. Twelve crosses, each with four 77 steps, reveal the same four 77 steps of Jesus’ Genealogy Cross that begin the New Testament. Next, the wall that blocks Israel’s Messiah, and the Kingdom of God coming to earth, falls down with the same numbers of Jesus’ Genealogy Cross (Cipher#15).  Sixth, this Bible is a word-for-word translation that protects and preserves the God breathed numbers in Scripture. Finally, the Great Commission requires authorization and regeneration through the Living Cross of God.

WHAT Non-traditional Knowledge Is Required for Baptism and the Great Commission?

In this Bible, rather than a partial verse, baptism is shown to be through the discipline of the complete Cross of YHWH God formed with the complete verse of Mat 28:19. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The phrase, all the nations, on the foot of the Baptism Cross, with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit above, reveals a complete 4-way baptism through the Living Cross of God, which follows Jesus’ instruction for the Great Commission. However, all the nations (living humans on earth) cannot be baptized with one baptism. But one person can be baptized with their own personal name on the foot of their own Personal Baptism Cross. Since traditional Church doctrine does not teach baptism through the Cross, how can one take up their own Personal Baptism Cross if one does not know that he, or she, has one? This is one’s personal cross to take up that Jesus requires for you to follow him in Mat 10:38. And he that doth not take his cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me (Cipher#35).

WHAT risk to your Christian faith in God is there in this Feminine Bible translation?
Since YHWH God already includes the divinity of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there is no risk. However, without a baptism into the Living Cross of God with the mark of the Cross on forehead, one should not look forward to Cipher#77.

WHEN Will God’s Holy Sanctuary Be Cleansed and Restored?

This FTV Bible is a fulfillment of the book, “Daniel’s Secret,” published Dec 21, 2012. (Time of the end begins) And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.( Dan 8:14)  Science tells us the astronomical measurement of the moon’s position at apogee is the angular diameter of 29.87 arc-minutes divided into 2300 days is 77.000 moon months. Consider then, that Daniel’s prophecy of time of the end and increased knowledge is fulfilled with Jesus’ Witness Cipher-77. Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro (like Satan), and knowledge shall be increased (Ciphers#28, 29).

A view of Church history through the Cross reveals four periods of 500 years before the “Great Emergence.” Five hundred years ago the Protestant Reformation was the result of a split from the Roman Catholic Church. We live in such a time right now waiting for a blueprint for “Emergence Christianity.” However, time to upgrade wineskins has almost expired.

WHERE Is Authority to Reform Church Father’s Indoctrinated Beliefs?

The first Greek Church Father, Saint Irenaeus, wrote “Against Heresies,” wherein it is written “The Gospel, fourfold in form is held together by one Spirit. The foundation of the Church is the gospel, and the Spirit of life, it fittingly has four pillars.” Irenaeus is the earliest Church Father to emphasize all four gospels as essential for canonization that authorize the foundation of the New Testament with the Discipline of the Cross.

The authority of the Discipline of the Cross is established 77 times in Jesus’ Witness Cipher, where 77 is Jesus’ number for forgiveness (Cipher#38).

Biblical numbers misunderstood and ignored since the beginning, structure Scripture that authorize this FTV Bible translation. Numbers do not lie, because they cannot, particularly God breathed numbers in Scripture.

WHERE Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus was Asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God cometh. Jesus answered them and said, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17: 20-21) The Kingdom of God is within us as children of our Father through Eve, the mother of all living on the foot of the Living Cross of God, which is like the Kingdom of God. The “Four Gospels Prophesy Cross” is a prophecy for the kingdom of heaven to be replaced by the Kingdom of God, which is God of both heaven and earth (Cipher#39).

WHICH Way Does Jesus’ Witness Cipher Lead Us To the Kingdom of God?

Cipher 32. The Lord’s Prayer (Mat 6:9-13)
1. WHO are we praying to? (6:9) Our Father who art in heaven
2. WHY are we praying to Him? (6:9) Hallowed be thy name
3. HOW does our prayer get answered? (6:10) Thy kingdom come.
4. WHAT must be done? (6:10) Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
5. WHEN will our prayer be answered? (6:11-12) Give us this day our daily bread.
6. WHERE is our destination? (6:13) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
7. WHICH way? (6:13) For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
    That is to say through the Cross: 
    For Thine is the Kingdom of God on earth within us
    And the power of the Most High Holy Spirit,
    And the glory of the Son,
    Forever the Eternal Father.

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JW Farquhar
Mark 7 Publishing
[email protected]


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