RNS Opening Budget — Friday, March 13, 2020

Just as the Vatican was announcing plans to open its archives into the wartime record of Pope Pius XII, the pontiff accused of not doing enough to save the Jews, Howard Shulman donated dozens […]

RNS-PiusXII-Photos: A gift of photos from a papal coronation opens a path for Jewish-Catholic healing
CARY, N.C. (RNS) — Just as the Vatican was announcing plans to open its archives into the wartime record of Pope Pius XII, the pontiff accused of not doing enough to save the Jews, Howard Shulman donated dozens of black and white photos of the pope’s 1939 coronation to the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh. The photos were shot by Samuel (Sammy) Schulman, a professional photographer from New York City who was Jewish, as is the donor. By Yonat Shimron. 1,350 words. (category: a)

RNS-Bowron-Oped: Preparing for COVID-19? Add caring for the vulnerable to your coronavirus checklist
(RNS) — If you do get physically involved in caring for someone with the COVID-19 illness, do so carefully and thoughtfully. Here’s how. By Craig Bowron. 862 words. (category: k)