'SigRev' trains God’s people in strategies of SPIRITUAL WARFARE
'SigRev' trains God’s people in strategies of SPIRITUAL WARFARE
Significant Revelation Ministries

Learn to fight the kingdom of Darkness

Deliverance is the children’s bread”

(Mark 7:27)

The average reader would be surprised to know that many pastors, church leaders and members have absolutely no idea as to what spiritual warfare or deliverance is, or how they relate to the body of Christ in the 21st century. 

Significant Revelation Ministries is charged to teach churches in this ignored but highly crucial aspect of Jesus Christ’s personal ministry. 

Sermons of correction have been exchanged with feel-good, palatable reflections of the easy to digest prosperity movement, manifesting positive vibrations, being kind to the universe, thinking happy thoughts and/or “good karma.” 

Currently, there are men and women of God attending your church who love the Lord, and who are suffering with demonic oppression, the impact of generational curses (i.e. porn and other addictions, poverty, witchcraft, lust, perversion, gender confusion, depression, religiosity, etc.) and the lasting effects of ungodly soul ties.

Though there are over one hundred scriptures pertaining to witches, devils, demons, and unclean spirits, many churches do not acknowledge the reality of dark forces and/or the desperate necessity of enacting spiritual warfare. Such congregations are sitting ducks and easy prey for the devourer.  

Be warriors!

In our ministry, we witness the evidence of the devil’s footprint daily in the lives of so many of God’s oppressed and bound children. 

Believers, it is imperative that we study our enemy.  We are not to fear him, but we ought not ignore his ability to influence either.  The Bible says that the angels of heaven were perfectly created to serve and worship the Father.  Does the Bible not also report that the god of this world influenced 1/3rd of them?

Do you fathom for a minute that we are able to outwit him, sidestep his many snares and traps or circumvent his influence without the involvement of the Holy Spirit?  Really? The god of this world has a 6000-year head start on thinking,

It is my contention that demonic influence may be what has permitted churches to flourish in this fallen world without actually doing what Jesus Himself instructed us all to do. 

Think on it… there are churches with thousands upon thousands of members or parishioners that never discuss demons or teach their flock about their authority as a son or daughter of the Most-High.  Yet the One they preach about, Jesus, is the One who we are to follow and a third of His ministry included casting out demons, setting captives free and healing the sick.  

Religion, fear, ignorance, and comfort have complicated God’s word.  Jesus says in John 14:15, “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.”  We do know the difference between a request and command, right?  If so, then how is your church, better yet, how exactly are you interpreting the following communication as presented by Jesus himself?  For you Bible readers, its written in red, check it out, Mathew 10:8, Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons…”  Is this a request or a command?

It’s nearly effortless now to find teachers to tickle your inner ears, and churches who desire to impress you with concerts and eloquent motivational speakers.  These churches may be referred to as “easy listening” ministries.  

Remember the devil does not mind if you go to church, he just does not want you to change. 

Absorb the following scripture, Mark 1:39: “And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee and casting out demons.”  So, if your leaders are preaching and NOT casting out devils, are they doing what Jesus did?  Religion, fear, ignorance and comfort have complicated God’s word.  This question is as simple as the one Jesus presented in John 5:6, “Do you want to be made well?”  These questions only oblige a “yes or no” answer.  It’s not multiple choice, nor does it call for an essay…”yes or no?” 

If you believe in Jesus, then the following scriptures are directed toward you: Mark 16:17-20:  ”And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons”; later it says “they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”  And Mark 20 says “they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.”  

The devil “is eating our lunch” and many Christians seem to be focusing on being politically correct, people pleasing, “fitting in” or being liked.

Readers, this is a very critical time.  We recently read a report that suggested that by 2045, Christianity will be the minority religion in a country where presidents swear on the Holy Bible when they are inaugurated and our money literally says “in God we trust.”  Another report boasts that Christianity will lose 66 million adherents between 2010 and 2050.  If this is true, icould it be  conceivable that people are abandoning Christianity because they don’t see the power of the Holy Spirit in the church?   

John 10:37-38, Jesus says, “If I do not do the works of My Father, then do not believe Me. But if I am doing them, even if you do not believe Me or have faith in Me, believe the works.”  If the lukewarm Christians saw us working like Jesus, why would they ever leave Him?

John 14:12: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”

Jesus says that he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.  Would you like to do the greater works He promised?  If so, you must make efforts to meet Him in the “also.” 

Let’s stop only talking about what Jesus did, only praying about what Jesus did, only reading and studying about what Jesus did, and do what Jesus did! Stop talking about it and be about it!

Our church is booked well into 2025 for deliverance appointments!  A believer who we recently ministered to claims that she has been on another church’s deliverance waiting list for 2 years!  Another believer claimed that she visited 5 churches and no one would help her.  How can this be, how is this remotely possible if we are following Jesus’ commands and are actually operating as doers of the Holy Word?

Be a doer!

If the Bible says that we have authority in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you”, then why isn’t the entire bride of Christ equipped to fight against the army of darkness?  Get equipped!

Contact Significant Revelation Ministries today, (470) 502-6442, to learn the ministry of deliverance and strategies of SPIRITUAL WARFARE!


Pastors Mark and Amber Rice
Significant Revelation Ministries
(470) 502-6442

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RNS or Religion News Foundation.

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