When religious power serves political force
(RNS) — Reverend Rob Schenck on faith’s role in American political polarization.

What’s the cost of aligning Christianity to division?

As the political landscape grows ever more polarized, religious language has become a tool for framing debates in extreme, all-or-nothing terms. On the eve of the presidential election, Reverend Rob Schenck joins Amanda Henderson to discuss his journey from staunch political activism to a faith that values human connection over ideological allegiance. Schenck reflects on the powerful pull of framing faith in service to political ends — and the illusions it can create. Drawing on lessons from his own transformation and insights from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, he unpacks how religious language can be wielded to inflame division rather than promote compassion.

Guest: Reverend Rob Schenck is the visiting scholar of Christianity & religious leadership at Hebrew College near Boston, Massachusetts. 

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