Why Muslim Voters Feel Betrayed
Reflecting on the political awakening of American Muslim voters as they navigated betrayal and advocacy amidst the horrors in Gaza with Rep. Iman Jodeh, Colorado’s first Muslim state legislator.
Jonathan Woodward
November 19, 2024
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Hopelessness, Genocide, and a Community’s Political Reckoning
Colorado state Rep. Iman Jodeh reflects on the political conundrums faced by Muslim voters amid the war in Gaza and a growing sense of betrayal by traditional political allies. Jodeh shares how her community channeled feelings of abandonment and anger into advocacy, pressing lawmakers for accountability and grappling with the hard choices of the recent election. From her unique position as the first Muslim and Palestinian legislator in Colorado, she offers insight into the resilience and determination required to demand justice in a fraught political landscape.
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