Goodbye for now, FaithfullyLGBT

This blog is closing but our conversations carry on and God continues to bless us.

I never thought I would be writing about the intersections of religion, sexuality, and gender. I stumbled into writing years ago to have a platform to hold the church accountable for its actions while also bringing my fellow LGBT Christians stories to the forefront.

When RNS asked me to write this blog, I was honored to continue my work.

This blog has given me a venue for stories of Jewish transgender youth, interviews with newly LGBT-affirming evangelicals, criticisms of lukewarm Christian positions – and intimate parts of my own experience with the church.

More importantly, FaithfullyLGBT created a community of LGBT people of faith to rally around a shared experience.

The readers of my column have enriched my experience writing for RNS. I’m humbled by your responses. Many times, I felt tasked with a great responsibility because I know this column meant a lot to not just me but to other LGBT people of faith.

I’ve had the privilege of working with one of the best religion news teams in the world. Their dedication to share stories at the intersection of faith and life is inspiring. I’ve learned so much from their combined experience on the God beat.

It’s been a year since my column started and it is time it comes to an end.

I’m in a transitional part of my life. I graduated from Andrews University a few months ago and I’m about to start full time work. I’ve also begun speaking to literary agents about writing my first book.  I’m excited for what lies ahead.

When I started FaithfullyLGBT, I wanted to inspire conversations that continued outside of the blogosphere, creating change in religious spaces to welcome the voices of the LGBT members who sit quietly in the pews. I wanted a place to hold viewpoints that reflected an LGBT experience. I wanted a place for me to be unapologetically queer and Christian. I believe I’ve accomplished that and so much more.

I’ll still be writing, and you’ll still see my name on the RNS website from time to time. To follow my work follow my Facebook, Twitter, and keep an eye out on the blog on my website. I’ll post updates and columns on my social media platforms.

While this blog is ending, the important conversation the church is having about the LGBT community is far from over. We are at a pivotal time in history. Never has there been a time in which people of faith around the world grappled with the reality of LGBT people in their midst. More and more LGBT people of faith are making ourselves known and working within our faith traditions to make it inclusive for our community.

The work is tiring and sometimes discouraging. Yet, our community grows and God continues to bless us.

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