Survey on same-sex attractions/LGBTQ faith, satisfaction, and life options

Announcing the final weeks of data collection for the 4 Options Survey ( about faith-based values and same-sex attractions, developed by researchers representing diverse, even opposing, views on these issues. The survey is designed to identify important aspects of life and relationships for those who experience (or have experienced) same-sex attractions and identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), heterosexual, or with another sexual identity or reject a label.

Announcing the final weeks of data collection for the 4 Options Survey ( about faith-based values and same-sex attractions, developed by researchers representing diverse, even opposing, views on these issues. The survey is designed to identify important aspects of life and relationships for those who experience (or have experienced) same-sex attractions and identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), heterosexual, or with another sexual identity or reject a label. The survey results will be used to create profile summaries of those who describe being satisfied (or not) being single and celibate, single and not celibate, in a same-sex relationship, or in a heterosexual/mixed-orientation relationship. Those in other types of relationship and single statuses are also invited to participate to expand our understanding of possible options. The survey results will inform a future self-help guidebook for those distressed with these issues.

The survey represents that conservatives and liberals can join together on sexual and gender diversity and develop more informed interventions if they are willing to use peacemaking approaches (see Our focus has been to reduce bias and polarization and promote inclusion so that we can produce more reliable results. This type of “adversarial collaboration” is unlike any research that have been done before on these issues. We hope the survey and its results provides a better way to resolve these issues.

The survey could take 30-40 minutes to complete, with the option of answering more questions and taking more time if the respondent is interested. Questions are of a personal nature, which some people may find sensitive, embarrassing, and/or upsetting. For instance, we ask questions about relationships, sexual attractions and behaviors, religious experiences, and attitudes about eroticism and LGB people.

Please consider spreading the word so that we can gather as many unique experiences about these issues. We want to reach a broad participant audience so that our results will help a wide range of individuals. Data collection for the 4 Option Survey ends May 31 (


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