Purple Catholicism

How Catholic seminaries can serve the creative explosion in US Catholic education

By Charles C. Camosy — July 1, 2024
(RNS) — Catholic seminaries can stop their own decline by re-envisioning their role in the life of the church.
More from Purple Catholicism

How Catholic is our president? The view from the SOTU.

By Charles C. Camosy — March 11, 2024
(RNS) — President Joe Biden had the opportunity to show the complexity of Catholic thought.

Alabama’s ruling puts the rights of the vulnerable above convenience of the powerful

By Charles C. Camosy — February 23, 2024
(RNS) — We should do what's right for its own sake, not because it's the most convenient.

Why pro-lifers are focusing on unwanted abortions

By Charles C. Camosy — January 31, 2024
(RNS) — From college students to partner violence victims, many women feel forced to terminate pregnancies.

Is being rich bad for your soul? Yes, but not for the reason you expect

By Charles C. Camosy — January 4, 2024
(RNS) — The rich don’t just end up making themselves unhappy. They want us to be unhappy too.

William Wilberforce would be scandalized by the pro-factory farming EATS Act

By Charles C. Camosy — December 1, 2023
(RNS) — It's a diabolical end-run around laws that attempt to respect God’s created order.

Did Pope Francis just add to the church’s teaching on animals?

By Charles C. Camosy — October 12, 2023
(RNS) — The short answer: His 'Laudate Deum' gives us more hope, even if it lacks specifics.

The real threat of AI isn’t what you think

By Charles C. Camosy — September 29, 2023
(RNS) — AI has the capacity to undermine our understanding of the human person.

Biotech’s repugnant new advance is worthy of everyone’s critical attention

By Charles C. Camosy and Joe Vukov — September 18, 2023
(RNS) — Scientists have swapped human reproduction for a different process entirely.

Catholic educators need to take a lesson from public school battles

By Charles C. Camosy — August 31, 2023
(RNS) — The ‘wokeism’ crisis in public education is a historic opportunity for Catholic schools.

In a new ‘Animal Liberation,’ Peter Singer consolidates advances in animal rights

By Charles C. Camosy — August 11, 2023
(RNS) — ‘A lot has happened in the past 33 years,’ said the ethicist about his update to his classic 1975 book.

Faith, science and the abortion debate

By Charles C. Camosy — June 1, 2023
(RNS) — Do abortion rights advocates follow the facts, wherever they lead?

Lent’s over, but Catholics still need to pay attention to the meat they eat

By Charles C. Camosy — April 26, 2023
(RNS) — A Catholic view of integral ecology, cheap meat and child labor.
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