Science & Tech

Episcopal presiding bishop-elect plans simpler installation, citing ‘carbon footprint’

By Adelle M. Banks — July 1, 2024
(RNS) — ‘With a simple service at the Church Center that will include everyone via livestream, we can care for God’s creation by reducing our collective carbon footprint,’ Bishop Sean Rowe said in an announcement.
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Silicon Valley bishop, two Catholic AI experts weigh in on AI evangelization

By Aleja Hertzler-McCain — May 6, 2024
(RNS) — Catholic leaders who have worked with the Vatican on AI say that a recent experiment from Catholic Answers illustrates the ways AI evangelization can go wrong.

Australian leader criticizes X for failing to remove church violence content

By Rod Mcguirk — April 23, 2024
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Albanese said social media posts, misinformation and dissemination of violent images had exacerbated suffering from the Christ the Good Shepherd Church attack.

US Catholics more polarized than ever about still-popular Pope Francis, survey says

By Aleja Hertzler-McCain — April 12, 2024
(RNS) — The Republican and Republican-leaning favorability rating represents a decline, creating the largest partisan gap in approval of Francis since his papacy began.

Churches look to eclipse as outreach opportunity

By Adelle M. Banks — April 4, 2024
(RNS) — ‘Science is part of God’s wonder,’ said one pastor. ‘And I think it’s good for us to celebrate that as Christians.’

Nine years after Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, Muslims launch a counterpart

By Fredrick Nzwili — March 5, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The document was drafted by scholars and members of leading Islamic organizations assembled by the United Nations Environmental Program’s Faith for Earth Coalition.

How Orthodox Jewish women are creating a parallel entertainment market

By Yonat Shimron — March 4, 2024
(RNS) — Jessica Roda's new book explores how women in Haredi communities are embracing and creating digital arts tailored to the gender-segregated world of women.

The Vatican’s top expert on AI ethics is a friar from a medieval Franciscan order

By Frances D'emilio — January 18, 2024
ROME (AP) — Benanti is the Vatican's go-to person on the technology and he has the ear of Pope Francis as well as some of Silicon Valley's top engineers and executives.

Is being rich bad for your soul? Yes, but not for the reason you expect

By Charles C. Camosy — January 4, 2024
(RNS) — The rich don’t just end up making themselves unhappy. They want us to be unhappy too.

Pope, once a victim of AI-generated imagery, calls for treaty to regulate artificial intelligence

By Nicole Winfield — December 14, 2023
ROME (AP) — Francis added his voice to increasing calls for binding, global regulation of AI in his annual message for the World Day of Peace, which the Catholic Church celebrates each Jan. 1.

A TikTok Jesus promises divine blessings and many worldly comforts

By Brandon Dean — November 16, 2023
(The Conversation) — A scholar of American religion explains how a new phenomenon of Jesus images on TikTok is tapping into the prosperity gospel, a Christian belief that God will reward faith with this-worldly comforts.

From ancient Jewish texts to androids to AI, a just-right sequence of numbers or letters turns matter into meaning

By Rhona Trauvitch — November 10, 2023
(The Conversation) — Advanced artificial intelligence is new, but a similar idea has been around for hundreds of years: the power of a just-right sequence of numbers, letters or elements to animate matter.

Did Pope Francis just add to the church’s teaching on animals?

By Charles C. Camosy — October 12, 2023
(RNS) — The short answer: His 'Laudate Deum' gives us more hope, even if it lacks specifics.
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