Protecting the weaker member

Carrie Gordon Earll of Focus on the Family Action “This story is a poignant reminder that defending the value of life calls for sacrifice. Contrary to what we’re tempted to believe, it’s not all about us. Sometimes it’s about the strong sacrificing for the weak. That’s why this story brings tears to our eyes: A […]

Carrie Gordon Earll of Focus on the Family Action

“This story is a poignant reminder that defending the value of life calls for sacrifice. Contrary to what we’re tempted to believe, it’s not all about us. Sometimes it’s about the strong sacrificing for the weak. That’s why this story brings tears to our eyes: A family endured hardship to protect the weaker member. That’s what being pro-life is all about.”

Carrie Gordon Earll, senior analyst for bioethics at Focus on the Family Action, commenting on the death of Susan Torres, a brain-dead woman from Arlington, Va., who remained on life support for three months in order for her baby daughter to be delivered healthy on Tuesday (Aug. 2). Torres died the next day after being removed from life support. Earll was quoted in Citizen Link, an e-newsletter of Focus on the Family.

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