The Slingshot: Trump’s trip; Irish Catholicism; Cannabis for Christ

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Need to know: Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Trump to give speech on Islam in Saudi Arabia

The man who once said “Islam hates us” is slated to give an “inspiring yet direct” speech on his first foreign trip as president.

Hollywood exasperated over Trump’s botched handling of Israel: ‘It’s a mess’

Even those who were kvetching about President Barack Obama’s policies toward Israel are having second thoughts.

As Catholic influence in Ireland wanes, some hope abortion will be legalized

The parallel tracks on which the Roman Catholic Church and Irish civil society run appear to be separating.

Trinity Broadcasting trial begins with accusations about sex, abuse

After five years, a trial that promises to brutally air the first family of Christian broadcasting’s dirty secrets got under way in Orange County Superior Court.

China moves to expand DNA testing in Muslim region

Large scale purchases of testing equipment raise concerns that Chinese authorities could be planning to DNA profile all or most Uighurs in Xinjiang, a restive region that's been under a security crackdown.

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Latest news from RNS

In travel ban case, US judges focus on discrimination against Muslims, Trump’s powers

SEATTLE (Reuters) Opponents — including the state of Hawaii and civil rights groups — say that both Trump's first ban and later revised ban discriminate against Muslims. The government argues that the text of the order does not mention any specific religion and is needed to protect the country against attacks.

Black clergy decry Trump policies as detrimental to African-Americans

Leaders of congregations and denominations called on fellow African-Americans Monday to speak out against proposed plans they believe help the rich and hurt the sick and poor.

Women bloggers spawn an evangelical ‘crisis of authority’

For many Christian women whose voices traditionally have not been heard by or represented in institutional churches, the internet has created new platforms to teach, preach and connect.

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You need to see ‘A Serious Man’ again

Do rabbis still have things to teach? Ask the Coen brothers.

The Mormon temple wedding photo game

Mormons too often judge each other's righteousness just by glancing at clothing choices, hairstyles, and piercings -- and guest blogger Mette Harrison has had enough of this superficial judgmentalism.

Taking the Unitarian Universalist diversity crisis seriously

Let it be noted that not all resistance to integrative change is based on hatred, prejudice, or snubbing on the part of the privileged against the marginalized. Reluctance to change can sometimes be read as a tribute to the enduring power of existing religious communities to contribute positively—in the form of art, creativity, pastoral care, etc.—to those who make them up.

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