What’s up with Oregon?

SUSA’s latest Oregon poll shows a narrow three point lead for Obama (48-45). Its Washington State poll, taken almost simultaneously, shows Obama at 55-40 while California is at 53-41. Oregon is a bit more Republican than the other two states, but what really seems to explain the difference is that the poll reckons regular worship […]

Oregon Beer.jpgSUSA’s latest Oregon poll shows a narrow three point lead for Obama (48-45). Its Washington State poll, taken almost simultaneously, shows Obama at 55-40 while California is at 53-41. Oregon is a bit more Republican than the other two states, but what really seems to explain the difference is that the poll reckons regular worship attenders there at 39 percent. Now, Oregon has the lowest church affiliation rate of any state in the nation. Our North American Religion Atlas has 65 percent of Oregonians either unchurched or uncounted. Which means that just about every member of a religious organization would have to be a regular attender for SUSA’s portrait of the Oregon electorate to be accurate. That’s, shall we say, highly unlikely. So I’m guessing that Obama’s doing better in the Beaver State than Dr. SUSA’s pulse-taking indicates.

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