(RNS5-MAR12) The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding is an Episcopal priest who expects to be defrocked because she is also a follower of Islam. While dual-faith adherents like her are rare, experts say the number of people who borrow elements from various faiths is on the rise. For use with RNS-TWO-FAITHS, transmitted March 12, 2009. Religion News Service photo courtesy Church Publishing.

(RNS5-MAR12) The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding is an Episcopal priest who expects to be defrocked because she is also a follower of Islam. While dual-faith adherents like her are rare, experts say the number of people who borrow elements from various faiths is on the rise. For use with RNS-TWO-FAITHS, transmitted March 12, 2009. Religion News Service photo courtesy Church Publishing.


(RNS5-MAR12) The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding is an Episcopal priest who expects to be defrocked because she is also a follower of Islam. While dual-faith adherents like her are rare, experts say the number of people who borrow elements from various faiths is on the rise. For use with RNS-TWO-FAITHS, transmitted March 12, 2009. Religion News Service photo courtesy Church Publishing.