(RNS3-APR01) Karen Cartier delivers a practice sermon during a preaching class at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass., as Joe Bartley records the video. The seminary is launching a pilot program where students in satellite locations will film themselves giving sermons and receive feedback from professors and fellow students in other locations. For use with RNS-SEMINARY-CHANGES, transmitted April 1, 2009. Religion News Service photo by Bryce Vickmark.

(RNS3-APR01) Karen Cartier delivers a practice sermon during a preaching class at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass., as Joe Bartley records the video. The seminary is launching a pilot program where students in satellite locations will film themselves giving sermons and receive feedback from professors and fellow students in other locations. For use with RNS-SEMINARY-CHANGES, transmitted April 1, 2009. Religion News Service photo by Bryce Vickmark.