Betting bishops

The Catholic bishops of Orlando and Los Angeles have a friendly little wager about who will win the NBA Finals this week: The Orlando Magic or Los Angeles Lakers.

Sez the AP: “Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony bet a case of Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels-labeled wines, he said in a news release.

Orlando Bishop Thomas Wenski put up three key lime pies, Florida’s official state pie, four pounds of fresh shrimp and a bottle of oxygen. Wenski says the fresh air is offered because of pollution in Los Angeles skies.

Mahony counters he’s happy to wager fine cathedral wines `produced in the fertile ground and fresh air of California.'”

With the Lakers up 2 games to 0, Wenski might want to start making those pies.

By the way, the Lakers are coached by Phil Jackson, whose coaching style owes a lot to Zen Buddhism, among other spiritualites. I wrote this profile of Jackson last year.

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