O (RNS5-JUNE17) Owen Goff (foreground), a Fellowship Church pastor, baptizes one of the 515
people who responded to an impromptu call April 30 and May 1 to be baptized at the Dallas area
church’s outdoor baptistry. Troubled by a decline in baptisms, Southern Baptist leaders say their
annual meeting Tuesday and Wednesday (June 21-22) in Nashville, Tenn., could be a turning point
for a denomination that claims evangelism as a hallmark. See RNS-BAPTIST-ADVANCE,
transmitted June 16, 2005. Photo courtesy of Baptist Press.

O (RNS5-JUNE17) Owen Goff (foreground), a Fellowship Church pastor, baptizes one of the 515
people who responded to an impromptu call April 30 and May 1 to be baptized at the Dallas area
church’s outdoor baptistry. Troubled by a decline in baptisms, Southern Baptist leaders say their
annual meeting Tuesday and Wednesday (June 21-22) in Nashville, Tenn., could be a turning point
for a denomination that claims evangelism as a hallmark. See RNS-BAPTIST-ADVANCE,
transmitted June 16, 2005. Photo courtesy of Baptist Press.


O (RNS5-JUNE17) Owen Goff (foreground), a Fellowship Church pastor, baptizes one of the 515
people who responded to an impromptu call April 30 and May 1 to be baptized at the Dallas area
church’s outdoor baptistry. Troubled by a decline in baptisms, Southern Baptist leaders say their
annual meeting Tuesday and Wednesday (June 21-22) in Nashville, Tenn., could be a turning point
for a denomination that claims evangelism as a hallmark. See RNS-BAPTIST-ADVANCE,
transmitted June 16, 2005. Photo courtesy of Baptist Press.