(RNS3-JUL30) Former New York cab driver Jean J. Paul, now a Presbyterian pastor in Haiti, surveyes his former church (now rebuilt) that was flattened in Haiti’s Jan. 12 earthquake. None of the more than 50 orphans who live in the Reformation Hope orphanage was killed in the quake. For use with RNS-HAITI-ORPHANS, transmitted July 30, 2010. RNS photo by Matt Rainey/The Star-Ledger.

(RNS3-JUL30) Former New York cab driver Jean J. Paul, now a Presbyterian pastor in Haiti, surveyes his former church (now rebuilt) that was flattened in Haiti’s Jan. 12 earthquake. None of the more than 50 orphans who live in the Reformation Hope orphanage was killed in the quake. For use with RNS-HAITI-ORPHANS, transmitted July 30, 2010. RNS photo by Matt Rainey/The Star-Ledger.