IHOP, the restaurant, sues IHOP, the church

(RNS) Usually known for serving 24/7 breakfasts, the International House of Pancakes has instead served a suit to the International House of Prayer, a Missouri church, for trademark infringement.

The restaurant chain — which uses the website — said the Kansas City church — whose website is — is intentionally misleading customers.

“We’ve asked International House of Prayer to stop using the name because it is our protected trademark,” said IHOP spokesman Patrick Lenow. “They’ve refused and it’s confusing our guests.”

The lawsuit, filed Sept. 9 in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, said the church “intended to misappropriate the fame and notoriety of the household name IHOP to help promote and make recognizable their religious organization.”

The restaurant chain, which started in 1958, has used the acronym since 1973.

The church declined to discuss the suit beyond a brief statement.

“We are aware of the lawsuit,” it said. “We are reviewing the situation. At this time, we have no comment.”

Both the church and the restaurant claim round-the-clock operations.

Many of the almost 1,500 restaurants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, serving such items as “The Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘n Fruity” breakfast and a plethora of pancakes. According to the church’s website, it seeks to “combine 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice.” Its “24/7 prayer room” has a schedule of 12 two-hour worship meetings each day.

Lenow said his company was concerned that the church, which dates to 1999, has expanded and is serving food at some of its locations.

Asked if the other IHOP serves pancakes, he said: “I don’t know what their menu is.”

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