(RNS2-JAN11) Sarah Palin’s political action committee included Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s Arizona congressional district among a list of 20 targeted races; her staff now says the marks were intended as surveyor’s markings, not gun cross-hairs. Giffords was shot in the head Saturday at a constituent event in Tucson. For use with RNS-SHOOTINGS-CIVILITY, transmitted Jan. 11, 2010.

(RNS2-JAN11) Sarah Palin’s political action committee included Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s Arizona congressional district among a list of 20 targeted races; her staff now says the marks were intended as surveyor’s markings, not gun cross-hairs. Giffords was shot in the head Saturday at a constituent event in Tucson. For use with RNS-SHOOTINGS-CIVILITY, transmitted Jan. 11, 2010.