(RNS1-APR18) Doug Kmiec resigned as U.S. ambassador to Malta after coming under fire from the U.S. State Department for spending too much time writing and talking about religion. For use with RNS-KMIEC-MALTA, transmitted April 18, 2011. RNS photo courtesy U.S. Embassy to Malta.

(RNS1-APR18) Doug Kmiec resigned as U.S. ambassador to Malta after coming under fire from the U.S. State Department for spending too much time writing and talking about religion. For use with RNS-KMIEC-MALTA, transmitted April 18, 2011. RNS photo courtesy U.S. Embassy to Malta.


(RNS1-APR18) Doug Kmiec resigned as U.S. ambassador to Malta after coming under fire from the U.S. State Department for spending too much time writing and talking about religion. For use with RNS-KMIEC-MALTA, transmitted April 18, 2011. RNS photo courtesy U.S. Embassy to Malta.