(RNS1-NOV10) Legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was fired for not reporting an assistant coach to police who was allegedly caught molesting a young boy. For use with RNS-PENNSTATE-ABUSE, transmitted Nov. 10, 2011. RNS photo by Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News.

(RNS1-NOV10) Legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was fired for not reporting an assistant coach to police who was allegedly caught molesting a young boy. For use with RNS-PENNSTATE-ABUSE, transmitted Nov. 10, 2011. RNS photo by Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News.


(RNS1-NOV10) Legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was fired for not reporting an assistant coach to police who was allegedly caught molesting a young boy. For use with RNS-PENNSTATE-ABUSE, transmitted Nov. 10, 2011. RNS photo by Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News.