Melissa Bowe of National Justice for our Neighbors, left, gives Nikki Kleinberg, a United Methodist deacon from Philadelphia, her armband ahead of arrests of more than 100 protesters in front of the White House on July 31, 2014. They sought to halt deportations and aid immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

(RNS1-JULY 31) Melissa Bowe of National Justice for our Neighbors, left, gives Nikki Kleinberg, a United Methodist deacon from Philadelphia, her armband ahead of arrests of more than 100 protesters in front of the White House on July 31, 2014. They sought to halt deportations and aid immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. For use with RNS-FAITH-DEPORT transmitted July 31, 2014. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks