RNS Opening Budget — Thursday, November 14, 2019

One congregation in New Jersey has long spoken out about the United States’ torture regime in Iraq, even reading the 2014 Torture Report aloud outside the Justice Department to raise awareness in hopes of beginning a […]

RNS-Dale-Oped: The movie ‘The Report’ may be all the truth and reconciliation we get on torture
(RNS) — One congregation in New Jersey has long spoken out about the United States’ torture regime in Iraq, even reading the 2014 Torture Report aloud outside the Justice Department to raise awareness in hopes of beginning a process of reconciliation. Now Hollywood has answered their prayers. By Seth Kaper-Dale. 660 words. (category: k)

RNS-DSouza-Oped: Sex scandals show why evangelicals need to recover the sacrament of confession
(RNS) — Imagine a church where everyone, including the senior pastor, was required to have a person they confessed to. For one, it would help avoid some of the major crises in the failures of leadership. By Joseph D’Souza. 1,100 words. (category: k)