RNS Opening Budget — Friday, August 27, 2021

In August, Todd Elliott, pastor of a popular South Carolina church, agreed to quit after he and elders at Beach Church in Myrtle Beach could not agree on how things should be run. He got a […]

RNS-Church-Coup: A South Carolina pastor quit his church. His followers revolted to get him back.
(RNS) — In August, Todd Elliott, pastor of a popular South Carolina church, agreed to quit after he and elders at Beach Church in Myrtle Beach could not agree on how things should be run. He got a year’s salary in severance. Then his followers staged a coup to bring him back.   
By Bob Smietana. 1,800 words. (category: a)

RNS-Pagitt-Oped: Most Americans favor welcoming immigrants. Why don’t Christians?
(RNS) — One group of Christians in particular consistently misses the mark in viewing immigration policy through a Christian lens: white evangelical Protestant Republicans. This begs the question, are evangelical voters nationwide having a crisis of faith, or are they simply allowing the politicization of immigration policy to cloud their Christian duty? By Doug Pagitt. 957 words. (category: k)