RNS Opening Budget — Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Faith-based refugee resettlement groups are celebrating the Biden administration’s proposal to admit as many as 125,000 refugees to the United States in the coming year as a “return to moral leadership.” By Emily McFarlan Miller. 800 […]

RNS-Refugee-Ceiling: Faith-based agencies celebrate ‘return to moral leadership’ as Biden raises refugee ceiling to 125,000
(RNS) — Faith-based refugee resettlement groups are celebrating the Biden administration’s proposal to admit as many as 125,000 refugees to the United States in the coming year as a “return to moral leadership.” By Emily McFarlan Miller. 800 words. (category: a)

RNS-BlackWomen-Leaders: Women making strides in leadership of Black denominations amid hesitancy
(RNS) — Even as her friends and associates celebrated the election of Rev. Gina Stewart as the first woman leader of a U.S. Black Baptist organization, questions remained about where Black denominations stand on women’s leadership. Juxtaposed with this historical “first” is a continuing hesitation among these religious groups that have and have not placed women in their top ranks. By Adelle M. Banks. 1,250 words. (category: a)