65 million ‘unsung’ caregivers at risk of emotional exhaustion, divorce, new book warns


Retired Army Lt. Col. Oliver North among vulnerable population, calling caregiving ‘the most challenging, physical, mental, and emotional experience of my 80 years on earth’

BOZEMAN, Mont.  Peter Rosenberger was so overwhelmed by his round-the-clock caregiver duties that he once tried checking himself into a mental hospital.

Instead of being admitted, Rosenberger shakes his head and laughs when recalling how he was given a tuna sandwich and sent home.

“My situation is not uncommon,” said Rosenberger, an author and syndicated radio talk show host who’s on a mission to support the 65 million Americans struggling to care for a vulnerable loved one.

“Hanging on by a thread until their loved one passes away is simply not acceptable for a caregiver to live a healthy life,” Rosenberger said. 

His new book, A Minute for Caregivers: When Every Day Feels Like Monday, provides a glimpse into the everyday lives of America’s caregivers – unsung heroes caring for loved ones suffering with an array of illnesses, disabilities and health problems, from autism to Alzheimer’s to addictions.

Average Month Given Over to Caregiving

On average, caregivers spend 13 days every month shopping, preparing meals, doing housework, taking loved ones to medical appointments, and making sure they’re taking their medications on time. Caregivers spend another 13 days per month researching care services and coordinating medical appointments, and six more days assisting with personal hygiene and basic daily tasks.

But the vast majority of caregivers don’t have the support they need to keep going for the long haul and protect their own health and sanity, Rosenberger said.

Rosenberger has lived the caregiver struggle for almost four decades.  His wife, Gracie, suffered life-changing injuries in a car wreck, requiring more than 85 surgeries, including both her legs amputated, with medical bills topping $1.5 million.

He launched a syndicated radio show Hope for the Caregiver that broadcasts weekly on more than 200 radio stations across the nation. Listeners have come to trust and enjoy Rosenberger’s hope-filled practical advice — insights often laced with faith, humor, and optimism. 

‘Faith, humor and optimism remain great weapons against despair,” Rosenberger said. “While many challenges and heartaches seem permanent, we can still purpose to live with joy, gratitude, and even laughter.”

In the foreword of Rosenberger’s latest book, retired Army Lt. Col. Oliver North describes caregiving for his wife Betsy — diagnosed with a debilitating brain disorder five years ago — as “the most challenging, physical, mental, and emotional experience of my 80 years on earth.”

A Minute for Caregivers “has become my go-to primer for every challenge I face in caring for my best friend,” North said.

Huge Strain On Marriages

According to U.S. News and World Report, 80% of caregivers say it puts a huge strain on their relationships, while the divorce rate for couples in which one spouse has a serious chronic illness is as high as 75%.

Rosenberger emphasizes the importance of self-care for caregivers to avoid burnout – but he goes even further to clearly identify what self-care looks like for himself and fellow caregivers. 

“I mistakenly allowed shame and fear of disapproval to drive my actions,” said Rosenberger. “Caregivers (and others) often condemn ourselves on our performance record, but if we’re going to evaluate ourselves, then let’s be fair and judge ourselves by our attendance record – which is flawless. The question is: “What kind of shape are we in when regularly caring for an impaired loved one?”


MEDIA: Arrange your interview with Peter Rosenberger, author of A Minute for Caregivers.

Media Contact: Gregg Wooding, I AM PR, (972) 567-7660, [email protected]

About Peter Rosenberger 
Peter Rosenberger is a seasoned author and syndicated radio show host who speaks fluent “caregiver” after having navigated his wife Gracie’s ongoing medical nightmare. His syndicated broadcast Hope for the Caregiver is heard weekly on 200 U.S. stations. Recently, his fourth book “A Minute for Caregivers: When Every Day Feels Like Monday” was released into print and e-books. It is available online at: amazon.com/Minute-Caregivers-Everyday-Feels-Monday/dp/1956454306


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Religion News Service or Religion News Foundation.

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