The Slingshot: Anti-Semitic toy? ‘Burqa’ Nativity; Reverent ‘Rogue One’

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Need to know: Thursday, January 5, 2017

How a toy figure of Martin Luther sparked accusations of anti-Semitism

This was not at all supposed to be what the cute little figure was about.

Neo-Nazis set date for armed march against Jews in Montana

A much-discussed march of neo-Nazis holding “high-powered rifles” against Jews and Jewish businesses in Whitefish is now set for Sunday, January 15.

Italian priest replaces Nativity scene after outcry over ‘burqa’

The Rev. Franco Corbo, a 76-year-old pastor from southern Italy, was the subject of a nationwide backlash on TV and social media.

Appealing mosque ruling could cost NJ town millions, expert says

“The township right now is on the hook” if it continues fight against building a mosque, says Robert Tuttle, professor of Law and Religion at George Washington University School of Law.

Sikhs praise Army’s new religious accommodation rules

An updated policy will make it easier to seek a religious accommodation for beards and turbans worn by Sikhs, as well as articles of faith for any other religion.

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