The Slingshot: Travel ban motive; evangelicals and endorsements; death saint

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Need to know: Friday, March 31, 2017

Judge maintains broad block on Trump travel ban

U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii said the revised travel ban still appeared to be driven by anti-Muslim sentiment and so he made the hold on the ban indefinite.

Survey: Evangelical leaders really don’t want to endorse politicians

A new survey of evangelical leaders — mainly pastors whose flocks were crucial to Trump’s victory in November — shows that close to 90 percent opposed the idea of clergy endorsing politicians from the pulpit.

The ’Splainer: Why won’t Mike Pence eat alone with a woman who is not his wife?

The vice president adheres to the so-called Billy Graham Rule developed when the 98-year-old evangelist was a 25-year-old newlywed and wanted to be sure his budding ministry wasn’t derailed by sexual scandal.

Pence breaks tie in Senate vote targeting Planned Parenthood funding

The bill repeals a rule proposed by the Obama administration that bans states from blocking family planning grants to Planned Parenthood and other health care providers that offer abortion.

How a folk saint of death took off among transgender women in Mexico

Unlike official church figures such as Our Lady of Guadalupe whose images are ethereal, Santa Muerte appeals to those with practical problems and passions living on the country's margins.

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