
In the Middle East, not America, Christians are actually persecuted

By Jonathan Merritt — April 3, 2013
Some American Christians have a persecution complex. Recent events in places like the Middle East demonstrate what actual persecution looks like.

“America was never America to me…yet America will be!”: A Muslim American reflection on this 4th of July

By Omid Safi — July 4, 2012

Somewhere between the hotdogs and the burgers today, is our resolute promise to make America be America—to all, and to realize the unfinished experiment.

The Shining City on a Hill

By Sally Morrow — July 3, 2012

Since John Winthrop, the Puritan governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Americans have considered their country to be a shining "city on a hill." This video traces that phrase from Winthrop to contemporary politicians such as Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

See RNS story on "The American Bible."


Muslims launch campaign to explain Shariah

By Tracy Gordon — March 2, 2012

(RNS) "If you are looking for problematic texts in the Quran, yes, they exist. They also exist in the Bible and Torah and other books," said Emory University's Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im. "But Christians aren't judged based on what the Bible said 2,000 years ago, but on how they behave today. Why are Muslims judged according to these literalist interpretations, and not according to how the vast majority of good Muslims behave today?" By Omar Sacirbey.

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