Conservative Judaism

What Hanukkah can teach us about preserving sacred space

By Julie Schonfeld — December 7, 2012

NEW YORK (RNS) The Hanukkah story of the oil in the Temple -- a measure enough for one day that lasted for eight -- speaks to the intentions and motivations that must underlie our efforts at conservation and our work to slow climate change. The theme of Hanukkah is the rededication of sacred space. By Rabbi Julie Schonfeld.

Q&A with pioneering Rabbi Miri Gold

By Lauren Markoe — October 25, 2012

WASHINGTON (RNS) Rabbi Miri Gold recently won a landmark case before Israel's Supreme Court that will make her the first non-Orthodox rabbi on the Jewish state's payroll. On her American victory tour, she talked about religious freedom, her belated bat mitzvah, and why she believes in the separation of church and state. By Lauren Markoe.

COMMENTARY: New survey brings good and bad news for Jewish community

By A. James Rudin — July 2, 2012

(RNS) A new survey brings both good and bad news for America's largest Jewish community: New York City, Long Island and Westchester County. By A. James Rudin.

Conservative Jews’ gay wedding rules mostly met with a shrug

By Lauren Markoe — June 5, 2012

WASHINGTON (RNS) The Conservative Jewish movement has come out with rites for same-sex marriages, and the most remarkable part is how they were accepted without much protest. By Lauren Markoe.

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