Marco Rubio

Southern Baptists cozy up to GOP after pulling back (COMMENTARY)

By Jonathan Merritt — July 27, 2015
(RNS) The Southern Baptist Convention has been a vocal ally of the Republican Party in recent years, and this latest move indicates that it is having a difficult time breaking from its past behavior.

Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore to interview Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio at evangelical rally

By David Gibson — July 23, 2015
(RNS) The unusual event is being seen as both a major effort by Bush to reach out to Christian conservatives -- a key constituency Bush has sometimes struggled to win over -- and by evangelicals to reassert their political influence during a time of landmark social change.

Most GOP 2016 hopefuls would go to a loved one’s same-sex wedding

By Reuters — April 29, 2015
A new survey suggests Republicans who are strongly opposed to gay marriage could be on shaky political ground in the presidential race.

Meet the ‘evangelical’ Catholics who are remaking the GOP

By Sarah Pulliam Bailey — June 16, 2014
(RNS) In today's Republican Party, a number of factors have forged a new religious identity that supersedes familiar old categories.

Friday’s Religion News Roundup: gay baptism; gay marriage in Maryland; black atheists `come out’

By Kevin Eckstrom — February 24, 2012

There's a new kind of Mormon baptism (and Salt Lake City likely won't be amused) and a tragic kind of baptism at an Indiana church. Fidel Castro may come back to Mother Rome, and Southern Baptists say "no thanks" to a BUBBA name.

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