“Love Won Out” switches partners

Focus on the Family is bowing out of the conference business when it comes to the “Love Won Out” conferences it’s held to help people “overcome” same-sex attractions, the ministry announced Tuesday.

Focus spokesman Gary Schneeberger said “financial realities” influenced the change, but shifting the conferences to Exodus International is a “strategic opportunity” for both ministries.

Schneeberger told The Associated Press that the Colorado Springs, Colo., ministry is likely to be $6 million short of its $138 million budget this fiscal year.

“Exodus is thrilled with this opportunity as the Love Won Out conference is a natural fit in our ongoing efforts to share the hope we’ve found,” said Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, which is based in Orlando, Fla.

Exodus, a group that believes gays can become straight through prayer and counseling, recently merged with two like-minded denominational groups. (We blogged about that last month.)

(Photo: Alan Chambers)

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