SEATTLE — Does science show there is no God? According to many former Protestant Christians, the answer is yes.
In the report, Are Young People Losing Their Faith Because of Science? John West, Associate Director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, which is the international hub of the intelligent design movement, highlights the challenge young people face dealing with matters of science and faith. For helpful information and resources, download the report here.
West’s report presents research on faith among young adults raised in Christian homes, college students, and university faculty. He recommends ways that churches can engage young people on these issues and outlines video and curriculum resources available for parents, youth leaders, and pastors.
The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has noted that 39% of those currently unaffiliated who grew up as mainline Protestants now believe that “[m]odern science proves religion is superstition,” and 31% identify this belief as an “important reason” they became unaffiliated.
“Our culture is dominated by claims that science and faith are at odds, claims that have undercut the faith of many. Ironically, the real findings of science in recent decades have been supportive of faith, not hostile to it,” says West.
Here are some of the important questions the free report will address:
- What percentage of college faculty identify themselves as atheists or agnostics?
- How many young adults with a Christian background think “Christianity is anti-science”?
- What five big truths can help you counter the myth that belief in God is anti-science?
- What resources are available to help you engage young people and others who think faith is anti-science?
Unfortunately, churches have yet to meet this challenge. Among youth pastors, a survey showed that only 1% had addressed science-related topics within the past 12 months.
For congregational leaders and those in youth ministry, West provides recommendations for curriculum, videos and other resources for teaching on how biology, physics, and the history of science is consonant with faith.
For helpful information and resources, download the report here. For interviews: