Daily News provokes with cover on Calif. shooting: 'God isn't fixing this'
The front page of the New York Daily News takes a strong stance against how some politicians are reacting to the San Bernardino shooting with calls for prayer instead of tighter gun control laws.
The New York Daily News front cover reads 'God Isn't Fixing This' sits on news stands in Brooklyn, New York on December 3, 2015. Religion News Service photo by David Gibson
The New York Daily News front cover reads 'God Isn't Fixing This' sits on news stands in Brooklyn, New York on December 3, 2015. Religion News Service photo by David Gibson

The New York Daily News front cover reads ‘God Isn’t Fixing This’ sits on news stands in Brooklyn, New York on December 3, 2015. Religion News Service photo by David Gibson

The front cover of the New York Daily News for Thursday takes a strong stance against how some politicians are reacting to the San Bernardino shooting with calls for prayer instead of tighter gun control laws.

The headline says, “God Isn’t Fixing This.”

“As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes,” the cover reads.

READ: Mass murder and the problem with prayer

House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP presidential hopefuls Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham all responded to the attack with tweets about “prayers” for the victims of San Bernardino.

The Daily News’ tweeted image of its provocative front page is currently the most retweeted of 2015 for the news organization, according to Twitter.

Meanwhile, Democratic presidential hopefuls, including Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, took a different tone and called for “action” to stop gun violence.

READ: Why “thoughts and prayers” don’t belong on Twitter

President Obama underscored the need for stronger gun control laws in the United States after Wednesday’s mass shooting, which left at least 14 dead and 14 wounded.

“There’s some steps we could take, not to eliminate every one of the mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently,” Obama told CBS News.

Some twitter users also called out for more congressional action.

David Mignery tweeted “@SpeakerRyan We need more from you than prayers.”

But others tweeted that calling for prayer should not be mocked at a time like this.

(Durando reports for USA Today.)

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