We’re Losing Pastors Left & Right + Rich Villodas

Rich Villodas on the unique pressures pastors face today and how congregants can offer true support.

It’s the big pastor burnout. 

Why is it a tough time to be a pastor? Let’s count the ways: a pandemic, a racial justice uprising, an insurrection, hyper partisanship in the pews, cataclysmic global wars. This is not to mention all the normal pulpit pressures, like blurry boundaries, pastoral care, complaining stakeholders, etc, etc. etc. Being a pastor is hard y’all! That’s why Katelyn and Roxy wanted to talk with seasoned New York pastor, Rich Villodas, who has been pastoring an incredibly diverse church in Queens for 16 years. We wanted to hear what unique pressures pastors face and how congregants can offer true support.


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