Tom Ehrich

Tom Ehrich is a writer, church consultant and Episcopal priest based in New York. He is the author of “Just Wondering, Jesus” and founder of the Church Wellness Project. His website is

All Stories by Tom Ehrich

COMMENTARY: The phony war on religion

By Tom Ehrich — February 21, 2012

(RNS) Religion's enemy isn't government. If anything, the American system has bent over backwards to protect religion from the accountability, fairness and justice that are expected of other citizens. No, religion's enemy -- if it has one -- is itself. By Tom Ehrich.

COMMENTARY: Customer service 101

By Tom Ehrich — February 14, 2012

(RNS) Too many providers -- churches, retailers, even politicians -- come across as having a low opinion of their constituents. Voters know this recession better than their politicians, and believers seem to take their faith more seriously than the institutions that seek to enroll them as members. By Tom Ehrich.

COMMENTARY: Facebook, the new town square

By Tom Ehrich — February 7, 2012

(RNS) Why do I find Facebook encouraging? I am encouraged when people want to express themselves. I am encouraged that people risk disagreeing. I am encouraged that people still care about their society, and that we haven't left the public square to the shouters and ideologues. By Tom Ehrich.

COMMENTARY: Upon this stubborn rock

By Tom Ehrich — January 31, 2012

(RNS) I don't think any enterprise has done more huffing, more blocking, bickering and begging for time than Christianity. We are the case study for trying to stand still in a rapidly moving stream, getting swept away, and still claiming the moral high ground while we drown. By Tom Ehrich.

COMMENTARY: Competing in the free market

By Tom Ehrich — January 24, 2012

(RNS) Welcome to the marketplace of self-determination, where everything from fact to faith is made a fungible commodity. We will either look out for ourselves, discover wisdom and exercise discernment, or we will get stripped clean by the sharps. By Tom Ehrich. About 700. With photo. 

COMMENTARY: A good year for a silent night

By Tom Ehrich — December 20, 2011
(RNS) This is a year for soft sounds in churches, like babies cooing, lovers wooing, believers holding candles and singing “Silent Night.” This is a year to turn down the volume, to dare to hear the still small voice of God. In a world of bare-knuckles politics, Christians don’t need to outshout the shouters. Let […]

COMMENTARY: The view from the 1 percent

By Tom Ehrich — December 6, 2011
(RNS) Now that the financial industry and major corporations have successfully lobbied Congress to make more people poor and to keep them that way, they are discovering the downside of unbridled greed: people are too broke to buy their products. Heavy discounts were necessary to stimulate sales on Black Friday — a stimulus that lost […]

COMMENTARY: My name is Wall Street, and I’m addicted to greed

By Tom Ehrich — November 1, 2011
NEW YORK (RNS) Analyzing something as fluid and complex as the Occupy Wall Street movement is a fool’s errand. The protests that started here and went viral don’t stand still long enough for precise observation. This is a movement, not an institution. It is about freedom, not acquiring the power to compel behavior. Its currency […]

COMMENTARY: The hard work of just being there

By Tom Ehrich — October 25, 2011
NEW YORK (RNS) Eighteen months ago, when our recovery ministry was getting off the ground, a veteran of such a ministry visited from Richmond, Va., and told us simply: “Your job is to be there every Sunday.” She told us to be a fellowship of peace and purpose where people in recovery from addiction can […]

COMMENTARY: Wrestling with our edifice complex

By Tom Ehrich — October 11, 2011
(RNS) The cascade of church closings has begun. There were three Roman Catholic churches shuttered last week in Bridgeport, Conn., and among mainline Protestant churches across the nation, it’s one sad demise at a time. Most recently: the Episcopal cathedral in Wilmington, Del. It’s always the same scenario: expensive building and declining membership, inadequate financial […]

COMMENTARY: The politics of misdirection

By Tom Ehrich — October 4, 2011
(RNS) What a strange and combustible era we have entered, as people ratchet up their rage but aim it consistently at the wrong targets. The newly dispossessed are encouraged to blame government for their woes, when in fact government spending is the most likely source of recovery. In this blaming, they do the bidding of […]

COMMENTARY: What would Jesus argue about?

By Tom Ehrich — September 27, 2011
(RNS) What if America truly were a Christian nation? Not a Southern Baptist nation, or an Episcopal nation, or a Roman Catholic nation. Not grounded in the doctrinal and ecclesiastical isms that have grown up over the centuries. But a Christian nation, doing what Jesus did. Well, we wouldn’t be arguing about sex, that’s for […]

COMMENTARY: This is what desperation looks like

By Tom Ehrich — September 20, 2011
(RNS) What does it look like when the richest 5 percent of Americans grab 82 percent of economic growth while the middle class loses ground? For one, a surge in diaper rash. According to Advertising Age, parents are economizing by changing their babies’ diapers less frequently, as shown by a 9 percent drop in disposable […]

COMMENTARY: Moving on from 9/11

By Tom Ehrich — September 13, 2011
NEW YORK (RNS) This year’s day of remembrance for 9/11 seemed to signal a shift in mood, an attitude of moving on. At Ground Zero, somber politicians, tearful survivors, and solemn firefighters and police officers gathered with thousands of onlookers to honor the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Crowds were smaller than some had […]

COMMENTARY: 10 lessons we’ve learned in the 10 years since 9/11

By Tom Ehrich — September 6, 2011
NEW YORK (RNS) It’s been 10 years since 9/11, and of the countless lessons we’ve learned since then, here are 10 of the most important: First, an open society invites attack. Not only do we present an abundance of targets that we cannot possibly defend, but America’s openness is offensive to the repressive, the insular, […]
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