RNS Morning Report: Christian Europe; ‘rage’ revisited; unrepentant Baptists

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The former church Selexyz Dominicanen has been converted into a bookstore in Maastricht, Netherlands. Photo by Bert Kaufmann/Creative Commons

Need to know: Thursday, May 31, 2018

Europe: Not as secular as you think

"Christian identity remains a meaningful marker in Western Europe," says a new Pew Research Center survey. Despite low attendance at church, 64 percent of adults in the region consider themselves Christian.

Southern Baptists have more repenting to do

Cries for mercy from church leaders seemed to focus not on women's pain, writes Brian D. McLaren, but on the "humiliation' of the male-led denomination.

Employees quit American Bible Society over sex and marriage rules

The policies affect heterosexual cohabitants as well as gays and lesbians and shifts the organization toward a narrow evangelical identity.

Islam scholar Bernard Lewis’ legacy of disdain for Muslims

The esteemed historian and adviser to the Bush White House treated geopolitics and religion interchangeably, says Hussein Rashid, as if the Middle East were synonymous with Islam, and vice versa.

What Politics and Religion Could Learn From Science

What if religious and political bodies followed science's basic M.O.: Test assumptions against reality. Question simple explanations. Consider alternatives. Re-examine your methods. Study nature.

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