The Slingshot: Billy Graham Rule; Easterless egg hunt; jokes about religion

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Need to know: Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The problem with ‘don’t eat alone with women’

Good character is better than dictates, writes an evangelical university professor on the controversy around Vice President Mike Pence’s rules of conduct.

British PM criticizes charity over ‘ridiculous’ decision to drop ‘Easter’ from egg hunt

“I’m not just a vicar’s daughter – I’m a member of the National Trust as well. I think the stance they’ve taken is absolutely ridiculous,” said Theresa May of the group founded to preserve public land in Britain, which is sponsoring an egg hunt with the Cadbury company.

Religion now the butt of workplace humor as sexist jokes have become taboo, survey finds

A study in Britain found that up to a million workers may have faced harassment, discrimination or bullying because of their religion or belief.

Germany dismisses ‘Islam law’ as integration debate resurfaces

Germany has no plans to introduce a law codifying the rights and obligations of Muslims, said a government spokesman, dismissing an idea floated by allies of Chancellor Angela Merkel ahead of federal elections in September.

Paris conference on deposing a heretical pope looks to the past, not the present

Holding a colloquium to discuss dethroning an erring Roman Catholic pontiff sounds like a call to battle at a time when prominent cardinals say the current pope is leading the faithful astray — but Francis was not on the agenda.

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Unitarian Universalist president resigns amid diversity controversy

The controversy came to a head when a white male was chosen to lead the group’s Southern region, replacing another white man who was retiring.

Still no sign of leader for White House faith partnership office

President Trump has yet to name the director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships nor an ambassador focused on religious freedom.

Singapore to repatriate Muslim cleric after remarks against Jews, Christians

(Reuters) The cleric known as "Nalla" admitted making the remarks, apologized and "recognized that it was unacceptable in Singapore's multi-racial and multi-religious context," according to the government.

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Take the Benedict Option. Please.

But don't take the monastic model seriously.

Most young adult Mormons are skipping General Conference. Why?

Only 44% of Millennial Mormons say they have watched General Conference in the last six months -- more than a thirty-point drop from the habits of the oldest Mormons. Why are so many young adults tuning out? (P.S. Sadly, this is not an April Fool's post.)

Yevgeni Yevtushenko was a Jewish hero

Yevgeni Yevtushenko was a poet for our time. It is time to re-read his greatest work.

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